Sabine Uhde

Members present themselves

Founding member of the GTB

Sabine UhdeThe fact that Sabine Uhde today works as an expert in tester training is not merely a result of one single decision. It is rather a role that the system analyst has grown into step by step. She is responsible for the tester training courses at the IT service provider GmbH, and she leads the GTB working group responsible for the accreditation of training providers. At least since 1989, when she joined, quality assurance has been part of her daily work. As employee and project leader in a full-service software house, she has automatically been covering (and still does) the entire scope of software development. She could therefore witness a development which in the nineties became increasingly clear: Software testing was developing into an independent field of activities and professional career.

Sabine Uhde was one of the founders of the German Testing Board (GTB) – first as part of the ASQF (Arbeitskreis Software-Qualität und -Fortbildung e.V.), and later as an independent and registered non-profit association. The system analyst participated in the creation of the first syllabus for the Certified Tester training in Germany. In this context she could gain the long-standing experience which is now required for her to manage the GTB working group responsible for the accreditation of training providers. In addition, she continues to be involved in the creation of new syllabi, for example the Advanced Level Syllabus of the Certified Tester training.

Again and again, Sabine Uhde is amazed to see that even today software testing is often still regarded as a secondary task. This she sees as a reason to continue to promote the GTB and its courses and public offerings – especially since she knows that through the Certified Tester training scheme specialists will receive precisely the skills and qualifications required in practical project work. With regard to the GTB, there are two major points which are important to her: Firstly, that the specialization and differentiation of the current tester training will be continued, and secondly, that the GTB should become known to more members of the public.
