Briefly introduced
We Keep an Eye on Quality
The GTB as a union of committed subject matter experts and as a member of ISTQB stands for the practice-oriented qualification of software testers and systems.
Our lives are becoming ever more digital and digitization more complex. With the Certified Tester training scheme, the GTB supports industry and the general public in this challenge. We provide a common language and a de facto standard to develop your skills accordingly.
“Our offer is as unique as it is independent. This makes the work of the GTB so indispensable.”
Dr. Armin Metzger, Managing Director of the German Testing Board e. V.
What Do We Stand For?
Our vision
The GTB is an essential precursor to the quality of software and systems.
Our mission
The GTB is an association of committed techin matter experts and member of the ISTQB stands for practice-oriented qualification of software and system testers.
With the experts without detours to the goal: Professional verification and testing of software for better quality.
What Distinguishes Us?
Optimally Informed
The GTB develops and updates syllabi from the ISTQB® Certified Tester Program as well as related exam-questions to equip training providers and certification bodies in Germany.
Our training providers and certification bodies enable the dissemination of our training content and ensure that independent certification of participants takes place.
The expertise of our members is at the highest level. We have high expectations for software testing – and on our technical staff.
Your advantage
The German Testing Board is your reliable partner for practice-oriented qualification and certification of your software testers. Alongside our partners, we stand for the quality of software and systems.