Dr. Stephan Weißleder
Members present themselves
Member of the GTB
Quality is the location advantage in Germany – Dr. Stephan Weißleder is dedicated to the preservation of this advantage. Therefore, his involvement in the GTB is primarily working with a group of universities, which he heads. In addition, he supports the working groups Examinations, Glossary and Business Development.
As a student, Dr. Weissleder often worked on implementations, the correctness of which was more likely to be tested by trial and error than by systematic test. His interest in testing was awoken during development for the tests, during his work on model-based test automation and the increase in efficiency in the test, on which subjects his doctoral thesis was based. In the following years, he deepened his research on these topics and brought in the Fraunhofer institutes FIRST and FOKUS the benefits of the test automation from idea to the application in the partner companies. At the beginning of 2014, as a system test manager at Thales Deutschland GmbH, he shifted his primary focus even more to industry and since, has also been driving forth test automation here.
Dr. Stephan Weißleder is the author of several publications on modeling and testing. As for his motivation, he explains: “Generating source code from models can be comparatively easy. Automatically generating models from test cases with high error detection potential is much more demanding. There is still enormous potential to increase efficiency in the test.”