Dr. Erhardt Wunderlich

Members present themselves

Member of the GTB

Erhardt WunderlichDr. Erhardt Wunderlich was already involved with programmable pocket calculators during his school years and was also repeatedly involved with software programming during his studies of physics/astronomy. Already at that time he asked himself the question “How do I actually make sure that the software I have programmed does what it is supposed to do?”.
The topics software testing and software quality did not let him go even after his studies. That’s how he got to know the Arbeitskreis Software-Qualität und -Fortbildung e.V. (Working Group Software Quality and Training). (short: ASQF), whose expert group Software-Test Berlin/Brandenburg he leads meanwhile. Dr. Erhardt Wunderlich uses this network to exchange experiences and to improve software quality in various industries.

Due to his many years of experience in software testing, he has also been giving talks on these topics at various conferences for many years in order to pass on his experience and knowledge.
He got to know the GTB through his participation in the working group for the “Development Tester” and has been a member of the association since 2021. At the GTB, Mr. Wunderlich would like to contribute with his experience to the further development of education in the field of software testing.